Anne the Birthday Girl

Anne the Candy Model
Originally uploaded by Brynejentå.
Today is Anne's birthday! Yay! Happy birthday, Anne! She's 17 today, so I better hurry up and turn 18, because I want Anne to be my lil' sis' again!
I moved out, for those of you who don't know, and I now live with the Thompson family. They live in Wright City, so I'm only about 5 minutes from school, which is awesome. the family is really really nice, and I love staying with them. I have a host sister (Lauren) and a hostbrother (Allyn), and three kitties (Pinky, Rascal and Kiki).
Tomorrow I'm going on a field trip to the St. Louis art museum, so, no school for me. Then, on Saturday, I'm getting my hair done at 3pm, and then prom starts at 8pm. Its going to be so cool!
Last weekend, I got a 1 (the highest score) on my solo in districts competition, which means that I will be going to State on April 28. I really hope I can get another 1!
Everything's good here, and graduation is getting closer and closer! I got my announcements this week, so I will be mailing those once I get my new address labels. All you people in Norway are gonna get one! Yay! Well, some of you anyway... I only have 25 of them...
See ya'll later!