Senior Night 2006

Originally uploaded by Brynejentå.
Yes, I know this picture is really bad, but it's a screenshot from the camcorder, and right now, it's all I've got (I'm gonna ask Ms. Ruecker on Monday if she took pictures).
So yeah, senior night was awesome! My prep went good, as you might be able to tell from this picture (yes, that's me on top of it), and the anthem was good too. Except for when my valve got stuck, but it was only for a measure or so...
After walking in and being introduced (congrats to Shanon for pronouncing my parents' names right!!), Lindsey and Jill came up to me with gifts (all the seniors get gifts from their team mates), and I got a vase with blue & gold roses, and all the names of the girls on the squad on it, and then Lindsey told me that they had bought my uniform for me, so I could keep it! YAYAYAYAY!!! Thanks you SOOOO much, girls!! WOW!
As you can tell, the night was awesome! Yay!
And tomorrow I'm going to St. Louis for the Mardi Gras parade, and I'll probably get a whole lot of beads. Yay!
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That's a great story. Waiting for more. » »
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