This week's over
Art 3
Originally uploaded by Brynejentå.
This week's been pretty good. We had a game that we won on Wednesday, at Bowling Green VS Louisiana HS. And then we won again, yesterday, when we played Bowling Green @ Bowling Green (it's the Bowling Green tournament). There's also a game tonight, and if the girls win, they will be district champions, just like the football boys and the softball girls. And the boys are playing too, tonight. We're going with the Varsity squad to cheer.
After the game, Shanon and I are going over to Shawn's to watch some movies, and then I'm spending the night at Shanon's place. We might go to the Outlet Mall in Warrenton on Saturday, so that'll be fun.
My solo for the district competition is going great, I've got it all memorized now so that's relieving! I was kind of worried there for a moment...
My parents are in Amsterdam, and I hope they're having loads of fun. I also hope that Guro is having fun with Grandma (and that Guro will comment this time) and Pia's having fun with Renate!
My spring (called winter in Norway) break is not till March 20th, but it'll still be fun.
I found out today that our spring concert with the band will be on May 7th, which means that dad can come and hear us play! Awesome! He might have some major jet-lag, but still, it'll be fun!!!
Hei Ine!
Me har ein Bowling Green i Ohio og! Det e ein stor universitets by! Okei, byen bestaar for det mesta av Bowling Green State University!
Haape du faard ein kjekk spring break, min e ikkje foer itte paaske :(
klem karin!
Hei Karin!
Takk for kommentar!
Så gøy at dåkke au he Bowling Green!
Me hate jo egentlig dei nå då, siden dei vant gutta kampen... Men, jaja... :P
Jess, ha en fine påske å enn fine ferie du og! Glede meg te litt fri frå skulen!
eg au vil hørra deg! blah, eg får ikkje såva å he sonke så lågt at eg spele msn biljard me fred
Hallais Kaja!
Awww... eg ska få nogen te å filma det så du kan få hørra det når eg komme heim! Wish me luck!
Billjard me Fred? Wow... Vell, bedre enn å hørra på vertsmorå mi så ¨nå he snakkt i telefonen i ca. 20 minutte. Mesteparten består av høylytt latter. Eg vente bare på at whoever det e i andre enden ska få sjangsen te å sei noge snart...
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