New week

Originally uploaded by Brynejentå.
So, today was a half day. We have MAP testing this week. Well, the juniors and sophomores do, we dont. So all we do is to hang around in the gym or the library. Bah, its really boring!
Prom was flippin awesome! I danced a whole bunch, and my dress was really neat, and we got lots of pictures taken (will be coming later). After the dance, Shanon told me that I could keep the dress! Yay!! She is SO nice!
This week we've got cheerleading tryouts for next season, and I'm helping the new girls figure it out. Yesterday, Michelle fell down from a lib and had to be picked up in an ambulance and brought to the hospital. Poor girl! I hope she's gonna be okay!
Later today, I'll be going to school to help out more with the cheerleading, but right now I'm just about to leave. I have to ride the bus today because we have a half day, so Keith can't come pick me up. Oh well, I kind of like the bus, especially when we've got nice weather like today!