Going home

At Lambert
Originally uploaded by Brynejentå.
So I'm back in Norway.
I left the US last Wednesday. I left home at 11am, Keith and Lauren took me to Lambert Intrl. Airport, St. Louis. My first flight was from St. Louis to Detroit, Michigan. I didn't really cry or anything, because I'm not really a crying person, but it was sad to leave all of the things that I have learned to love and appreciate behind. I know that I will be going back there sometime, preferably sometime soon.
When checking in at Lambert, we ran into another Norwegian exchange student, Ingrid, so we joined up for the flight home to Norway.
When we got to Detroit, we discovered that we only had about 20 minutes to get to the gate, because of the time difference. We thought we had plenty of time, till we found out that Detroit is an hour ahead of St. Louis... So we ran, through this really cool tunnel, and made it to the gate just on time.
The flight from Detroit to Amsterdam wasn't too bad. Unfortunately, some Dutch lady didn't want to trade me her seat, so Ingrid got stuck next to her, five rows behind me. I got stuck next to two Christian Missionaries from Texas, who were going on a mission-trip to Africa. They were nice though.
I watched The Lion King and Big (good old times), listened to an Indian baby crying in front of me, and a drunk Jewish-American who was going to Poland who figured it was okay to smoke on the plane. Till the crew came and told him he had to pay about $6000 in a fine, that is. AND, I do believe that they had Dutch cops waiting for him at Schiphol.
When we finally got to Amsterdam, we had trouble finding the gate, because it was D82, which is like, far away. But we found it, with some good old Nowegian team-work. Ingrid was really anxious, because her last stop was Gardermoen, so she would be home after the flight from Amsterdam. We got a little delayed, but got there on time. Almost. Ingrid was really excited to see her family again, but I had to run upstairs to check, so I just waved goodbye to her.
I ended up paying NOK1040 because I had 26 kg. over-weight (which would not have been an issue if only EF had bothered to send me straight to Stavanger from Amsterdam. But no.), and so there goes all my savings.
When I got to Stavanger, I was met by my family, my sisters running up and hugging me. My mom was crying, and so I had to cry a little bit too. I got flowers, and hugs, and flags. it was all good. And my friends, the twins, were there too.
Later that night, grandma & grandpa, and my other grandma came over, and so did my aunt and my cousins. It was really nice. But I had to go to bed, because I could barely keep my eyes open, I'd been up for about 30 hours.
It's good being back home again, but I miss it, I miss America.