EF Christmas Party 2005

Ine and Jac
Originally uploaded by Brynejentå.
Here's Jac and I at the EF Christmas Party at Toni's house. We took a lot of photos, so go check those out!
Yesterday, Heather took me to Mid Rivers, where we were going to go see Brokeback Mounatin, but apparently, they weren't showing it yet (which I found a bit peculiar), so we went to Cine 18 instead. And guess what, they weren't showing it there, either! So we watched Just Friends instead. A funny movie, great if you just want to watch and not think. And it's got Ryan 'Berg' Reynolds in it :P
The Christmas Party today was great, we had lots of fun, and I got to hang out with all my friends from camp!! It's really sad that Jac will be leaving in just two weeks, but fortunately, I get to see her on the 28th (Grandma's birthday), when we're going to Hard Rock with EF.
hallo ine !
lenge si æg he snakkt mæ dæg !!
kossen går dæ mæ dæg ?
går fint mæ mæg! einaste så æ he våre drid æ at skulen he toge heila tiå mi i dæ sista.. :( men snart æ dæ juafærie :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
ska læsa alt dæ du he skreve på heimasiå di (dæ så æg ikkje he fått mæg mæg, he fått mæ mæg litt! ) i kulå for då he æg ti :)
he du fått julepresangen av mæg å sigrund forresten ?? håbe du blir fornødde !
hørrte at du hadde myssta email addressen min stemme dæ ? i såfall ska æg senna ann på mail t dæg :)
nei off æg får stikka opp å jæra noge lekse, ska ha min siste prøve før jul i mårå . puh!!
mi snakkast :) ha dæ fortsatt fint i usa!!
glae i dæg!
bare så he æg sakkt dæ ao : god jul å godt nyttår!
klem frå solvor
hørres koseli ud!
Hei Solvor!
Jo takk, alt gaar bra. Begynne me tentamenane mine i maaraa (mandag), aa ae ferdige kl. 12 paa onsdag, saa daa ae d faerie for meg au!
Fekk presangen ja, glede meg te aa opna an! Far komme sikkart innom me presangane daakkas snart!
Koselikt at du vil lesa alt :) sedde store pris paa det!
Lykke te paa proeven!
Eg mussta e-mailen din for alle mailane mine blei sletta...
GID og :D Julaklem fraa Ine
Kaja: Jepp, d va kjempe koselikt! Masse norskinga der :P
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