Novus Ordo Seclorum

The Great Seal
Originally uploaded by lee holloway.
I wrote this today, after reading a little bit more of Angels & Demons (not done yet). Dad, in case you haven't read the book yet, I think this might make you want to read it. It's got stuff about the Free Masons in it, and it's really interesting! (We have the book, right? I think we have it in Norwegian)
Okay, so you're probably wondering why I have a picture of a part of the US one-dollar bill here. No, it is not because I am in love with money, or the US (although I am quite fascinated by both), but it is because of my newly found fascination with Dan Brown's book Angels and Demons, and it's connection to the Illuminati. For those of you who have read the book, you know what I am talking about, but if not, you should go read the book, because it is both educational and fascinating. Really.
Okay, so, over to the symbol again. The pyramid represents the emerge towards the ultimate source of illumination, and it is an ancient occult symbol. As you might know, a pyramid has got nothing to do with Americans or American history, so it is kind of peculiar that they chose to put this on the bill. Also, the triangle with the eye inside it represents the Illuminati's ability to infiltrate and watch all things. The triangle, representing the Greek letter 'delta', means 'change' or 'transition'.
Now, underneath the pyramid, it says in Latin 'Novus Ordo Seclorum', which means New Order of the Ages. It can also be translated into New Secular Order. In case your English your English is a bit rusty, the definition of 'secular' is (taken from "Worldly rather than spiritual. Not specifically relating to religion or to a religious body: secular music. Relating to or advocating secularism.
Not bound by monastic restrictions, especially not belonging to a religious order. Used of the clergy". So, in simple terms, it means non religious. So New Secular Order means New Nonreligious Order. Now, why would this be put on a bill, where 'In God We Trusts' is put right next to it? The reason for this, is because the one-dollar bill was designed by Vice President Henry A. Wallace, who was a Mason. So was his President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and when he asked Wallace what Novus Ordo Seclorum ment, Wallace simply told him it meant New Deal, because the dollar bill was new, and so was the design, so the President believed him.
Now that people have realized that this means, there has been quite a few debates about whether or not the seal should remain on the bill.
About The New Secular Order: The Illuminati (which means 'the enlightened ones') was an ancient brotherhood of scientists, who got together in secrecy because of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church felt threatened by science, because science questioned God's superiority, and they didn't want that. So they hunted down and arrested or executed all scientists claiming that God did not create mankind and the university, and also, that the sun was the center of the universe, rater than earth. Therefore, these scientists gathered in secrecy. One of the most famous Illuminaties, is Galileo Galilei.
The New Secular Order, aka New World Order, was the Illuminati’s plan of getting rid of Catholicism, and making science the main thing. Now, they never killed, or destroyed anything, like the Catholics did, they infiltrated instead. They infiltrated banks, universities, politics, etc. One of the most known infiltrations they did was when they joined the Free Masons. They had to hide from the Catholic Church, so they aligned with the Masons, in hope of hiding. But as the years went by, they started their own little secret society, inside the secret society of the Masons. They grew, and elevated in grades, and had great power inside the Masons' society. This is the way the Illuminati ran things.
Now people believe that the Illuminati are dead, that they don’t exist anymore. But one can never know, right?
Go read Angels and Demons, it will open your eyes to a new world. Also, if you like riddles, you should also check out Dan Brown's The DaVinci Code.
æg ao helle på å læse engler og demoner akkurat nå. Dæ æ kjempespennande!!! æg syns egentlig at denne bogå va gildare enn Da Vinci koden. Te nå jaffal.
Æg he foresten sendt julepresangen din i dag. Åsså julakort:)
Me ser!
Mm, ganske goe bog ja! Aa alt d om det tegnet paa dollar seddelen ae sant (du vett, naar eg fussta gjere research, saa gjere eg d grundikt! ;) )
Yay! Glede meg masse! Eg sende dokkas i maaraa, men eg senne an heim te mor aa far, for vertsmoraa mi au sende noge, saa paa den maaden sparte eg litt i porto, haabe dae ae greit! Eg kan sei at mor aa dei ska gje beskjed te daakke naar daakk kan komma aa henta di! :)
hii inus!!
låvte jo eg sko skriva her, så nå komme det:)
Ser ut som du har det ganske så greit der borti, å gjer masse kjekt: DET E BRA! kos deg! Du ser forresten veldig, veldig integrert ut;) Hoho.
Anyways.. denne helgå ska eg te paris å då kan du få postkort.. det har du vel lyst på?! hrm.. det ville jaffal eg fått!
Du e flinke te å skriva blogg alså, det ska du ha!
Hmm. Ha det fint du:D
eg må springa å spisa nÅ!
Hey karen!
Jippi! Du skreiv! Eg vil VELDIG gjerne ha postkort fraa Paris! Glede meg kjempemasse! Dar komme nok noge te dg og snart, ska du sjaa :)
Takk for at du kom innom den lille bloggen min :D Kosele at du lese
Thank you!
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