
Spacing off
Originally uploaded by Brynejentå.
We got our first snow this week, which was great. It came Monday (I think) and it wasn't too much, but there was some. And also, the weather people keep saying that there is a snowstorm on the way, so we might get out early tomorrow :)
Tuesday game was good, the JV team knocked the Van Far Indians FAR away... (hehe), but unfortunately the Varsity team lost... Oh well, better luck next time.
Today was a half-day, so school was out at noon. In Music Appreciation we are working on "The dark side of the Rainbow", which is basically a theory that Pink Floyd made their album "Dark side of the moon" match the 1939 movie "Wizard of Oz" (lyrics and music matching the movie). So tomorrow we are watching the movie while reading lyrics and listening to the album. It's gonna be awesome :)
After school I went with Nikki, Shawn and Shanon to Shop & Save in Waynzville where we got some canned food for this week's Canned Food Drive (we collect food for the poor).
After that I went to Troy to take my permit test (yes, I failed it last time I tried...), and I passed it! Yay! So we went to the license bureau and I got my permit. And then I drove all the way from Troy and back to Truxton. I've gotta say, it was pretty cool.
When I got home, I watched the second part of the Pope movie, and it was really good. John Voight really looked like the pope in his last days.
Gratla mæ Lappen :-)
Jo takk :) Elle kanskje me boer kalla det oevelseskjoeringstillatelse?
John?!??!?!?! du burde veda at d e Jon, d e jo pappaen t Angie. veien e nå en tvilsom plass sie du e bag ratte, heheheheh
Bah... okej... Jon. I'm SO sorry... (not)
Nope, eg he faatt hoerra at eg e en excelllllent driver :)
Hei vennen min!Nå må du vera jille jenta å kjøra forsiktig!!!!!Hørtes kjempe ut med snø, skulle ønska at me og hadde det.Kven sin bil får du kjøra med?
Hehe, ska passa meg ja! Kjoerte i 100 i dag!! (60 mph) Yippee!! Eg kjoere familien sin bil (en Chevy ting... vettkje heilt keslags bil det ae). Kjoerte heilt fraa Warrenton aa heim i dag! (en halve time)
Snakkes i maaraa!
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