Merry Christmas

Basket toss
Originally uploaded by lee holloway.
So Christmas is creeping up on us, and the school's already been decorated! We had our Christmas concert today with the band and the chorus. We started with the chorus, and we sung "Merry Christmas with love" and "Have a merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas". It didn't go quite as well as we planned it, but I guess it was okay.
Then we watched the 6th, 7th and 8th grade bands (yes, there is one band for every grade), and the we played (the high-school band). We played "A Christmas Festival" and "Jingle Bells Forever". We did really good, and I think Mr. Schaffer was pleased with us. Also, we handed him the plaque we had gotten for him. It was actually Mr. Dreyfus' idea: All the seniors wrote down 'Schafferisms', things that Mr. Schaffer says all the time, and we got it engraved on a plaque for him, from all the seniors. I think he liked it! We're also going to get t-shirts with all his sayings on 'em!
Tonight is the showing of the CBS movie about the former pope (Paul Johannes, is it? Sorry, I can't seem to remeber their names. Anyway, it's the one who died a couple of months ago), and I think I'm gonna watch it, and tape Crossing Jordan.
Also, about the game on Friday: We lost the JV game (but it was pretty close) and we won the Varsity game. We cheered good, and actually, Varsity screwed up more than we did (they dropped two girls during half-time). Anyway, check out this awesome picture of Jessica in the air during the Varisty squad's pre-game basket toss. Don't you just love it?
paven jah... eg dør av spenning. då hadde eg hellar sitt Crossing Jordan. han derrane morgue kisen (du vet kem eg meine, han høge briten me svart hår) e så kule
Du meine Nigel? Jeh, men eg kan alltids se d seinare. Paven va en kule kar, han!
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