Getting there

Overwiev III
Originally uploaded by Brynejentå.
Yesterday I went to the movies with Heather, Reed (her bf), Cherie, Mike and Tim (Reed's friends). We went to the Mid-Rivers theatre, and since none of us could agree on the same movie, we agreed to go see "Fun with Dick and Jane". I really didn't feel like seeing it, but it turns out that it's not that bad. It was funny, not as funny as Jim Carrey movies usually are, but still funny.
Afterwards, we went to Denny's at Lake St. Louis, where Ryan joined us later on. I asked him if he was coming home for the weekend (he goes to CMSU), and he said yes, so he came over.
I spent the night at Heather's, and woke up pretty late, when her dad turned on the TV to watch "Dora the Explorer" on Nickelodeon. Hehe...
Next weekend we have a Cheerleading Clinic for the Middle-school, which means that all the kids who want to become cheerleaders come over for two days, and we teach them jumps, cheers, dances, chants and stunts. Girls and boys. It's gonna be so much fun teaching those little kids how to stunt!
And court-warming is coming up. Now you might ask, what is court-warming? Well, it's kind of a warm-up to prom (which is in April, I think). It's basically just a dance, where we dress up in nice clothes (I have to get hold of a dress), dance and have fun. Yay! It's on February 4th, which is also the first day of Conference band, but I'll make both, because the dance isn't till 9pm, I think.
By the way, I now know my departure date (if I don't get the returnee job): May 30th or June 1st. (Wave 1)
Hei Ine!
Dæ hørres så kjekt ud å holla på mæ cheerleading!! Kult at du får vær mæ å læra andre:)
Blir kjekt å sjå dæg igjen om 4-5 måna:)
Me snakkes plutselig!
Hei Sigrund!
Jepp, glede meg kjempe masse te aa laera alle dei smaa cheerleadarane masse kule ting!
Ja, tiaa gaar fort!
Snakkes plutselig, ja. Hehe :)
hei ine !
lenge si æg he snakkt mæ dæg! håbe dæ går fint mæ dæg !?
dæ jære dæ mæ mæg :) tenkte bareæg måtte skriva enn kommetar te dæg si dæ æ så lenge si!
ska prøva å skriva enn mail te dæg snart! når æg får ti :)
så jillt at du ska få læra andre cheerleading! lykke te å kosa dæg masse !!
glad i dæg! me snakkes :)
god helg forresten :)
klem solvor
Hei Solvor!
Jo takk, det gaar fint med meg! Kosele me kommetara, ja! Tusen takk for det :)
Glede meg kjempe masse te i maaraa ja, blir jilt me masse smaa cheerleadara springande rundt her!
Glede meg te mail!
Glae i deg og, me snakkes!
Go helg tebage :D
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