Jack is back

Kiefer Sutherland as Jack Bauer on 24
Originally uploaded by long.
So the new season of 24 is on here, on Fox. So I figured I'd write a couple of words on that, since my family in Norway loves it, and so do I.
Here's the main theme of the previous seasons:
Season 1: Terrorists trying to assassinate the Presidential candidate
Season 2: Nuclear bomb
Season 3: Deadly virus
Season 4: Nuclear plant melt-down
Season 5: Nerve gas
The season that's on now is, yes you guessed right, season 5. Jack is back (sorry to spoil it for those of you who did not know that), and his name is no longer Jack, but Frank. Well, in the first couple of episodes anyway.
The first two episodes pretty much tell everything, so I won't say too much about it, because that would ruin it for those of you who are planning on watching it when it comes to Norway.
Anyway, 24 is a great show, and I used to be one of those who thought that one season is enough, but when it's this good, why stop at one?
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