Random Panorama

Random Panorama
Originally uploaded by Brynejentå.
Today is Valentine's Day. It's been pretty nice, I've gotten a couple of cards (from Shanon, Whitney, Greg and Jill), and I've given a couple, too.
Nothing much happened today, I felt kind of sick when I left home, but I figured I had to go, because if not, I won't get my Perfect Attendance pin, and I won't get to cheer at the next game (if you skip a game, you can't cheer at the next one). Tonight's game is VS Timberland (Boy's game), and we're GONNA beat them!!
I witnessed my first fight today. Two boys got into it in the cafeteria during lunch, and had to be separated by several teachers. Oh well.
Tomorrow is halfday, so that'll be good, even though we have an American History test. And then there's just Thursday, and then the week's over (PTC on Friday). Yay!!
valentines e en dritt dag! eg fekk ingen kort... jo eg fekk et av mari då, men bare fordi eg ikkje hadde fått någen andre...
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